Our favourite seasons, which are often underestimated. A time for bargain hunters!

    In sun-drenched South Tyrol, you often profit from great weather even in spring and fall, which is why a visit outside the main seasons is worthwhile. In spring and fall you will avoid the tourist rush of the summer and winter months and save money at the same time. Many alpine huts are still closed, but a picnic at the summit cross is just as nice.

    The golden fall in the mountains does not need a filter. When the larches turn orange and the mountain peaks turn white again, the hiking paradise South Tyrol offers the perfect photo motif. Unspoilt hiking trails and deserted villages create a calm and relaxed atmosphere. #DoItForTheGram

    Pictures say more than a thousand words, so convince yourself:

    golden fall
    golden fall
    golden fall

    In fall, numerous "Törggele" celebrations are held throughout the region, as they have always been customary. Wherever there is a "new wine", there is a tasting celebration like it has been tradition in the past. Today, besides the wine tasting, mostly homemade Bavarian doughnuts and "Keschtn" (fried chestnuts) are served.

    Recommendation: Around the 25th of November, the "Katharina Day" (an almost forgotten old farmer's holiday) the “Kothreine market” takes place in Mühlen in Taufers. Here nostalgia and history meet tradition. In addition to rustic stands and petting zoos, roasted chestnuts, mulled wine and typical farmer specialities are on the programme.
